The items are shipped by our partner companies (Speedex or ACS) within 5 working days. The usual delivery time is indicative and varies depending on the geographical location of the receiving point, the service of the respective distribution networks and the respective conditions and emergencies.
The shipping costs are €4 to 2kg. A surcharge of €1.5/kg is charged for each additional kg.
Please note that with the preferred payment method cash on delivery there is an additional fee of 2 € on the total amount of the payment.
Cyprus and abroad
Below you will find the shipping costs for orders up to 2 kg. For orders between 2 and 10 kg, the shipping costs are automatically calculated based on the dimensions and weight of the package and appear in your order. For orders over 10 kg we will contact you.
The delivery service is carried out by "Hellenic Post" and the delivery time is between 10 and 12 working days.
Please note that all orders shipped outside of the European Union may incur additional customs fees as per country regulations. We are not responsible for the fee in your country and request that you check with your local customs before completing the order.